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Kempe Volker

  • Список работ автора в нашем издании

  • Prof. Dr.sc.nat. Dr.Ing

    Born in 1939 in Berlin, studied physics and communications from 1957 until 1963 in Moscow and finished with distinction.

    Received PhD (Dr.Ing with summa cum laude) in 1968 at the Technical University Dresden for investigations in the area of near periodic networks and Dr.sc.nat in 1976 with a postdoctoral thesis on the analysis of stochastic systems. He is Professor for Information and Control Theory and was member of the former Academy of Science of the GDR and the International Academy of Astronautics.

    From 1963 to 1977 his research work included the development of optimal estimation methods and their application, the theoretical and practical development of satellite ground station demodulators and powerful receivers for special satellite signals as well as the development of Infrared Fourier Interferometers for meteorological and interplanetary satellites (Venus) with outstanding sensitivity parameters (1976 - 1978).

    From 1977 to 1990 he was director of the scientific Institute of Cybernetics and Information Processes. He set up a strong research institute for informatics, artificial intelligence and automation, leading in selected areas such as image processing and special directions of control and automation.

    From 1990 to 2003 Volker Kempe was with Austria Mikro Systems Int. AG, a leading supplier of mixed- signal integrated circuits, and lead a large Engineering Department including basic research and development. Very early he initiated the development of Microsystems. His present interests are focused on MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) especially under the view of system design including all aspects of functionality, technology and application.

    From 2003 to 2007, as cofounder, he worked as Vice President for Research&Development of a newly founded company in the area of microsystemes with strong orientation on automotive applications and lead development projects in the area of inertial microsensors.

    He was member of different international conference program committees and published more then 100 papers and patents, 3 books and 5 scientific anthologies, edited 4 journals and book series.

    Опубликованные и упоминаемые в нашем издании работы Автора

    1. My meetings with Professor Alexey Stakhov (to the 70-anniversary of Alexey Stakhov)

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